
2 activity; - Last training unit 24/05/2016
24/05/2016 Show to everybody melma 14.07 658 02:38:24 5.33 Km\h trek rumblefish
30/04/2016 Show to everybody generoso-bisbino 64.83 2560 09:21:24 6.93 Km\h trek rumblefish
08/01/2016 Show to everybody lecco resinelli lecco 25.61 1066 04:51:53 5.26 Km\h reignx
12/12/2015 Show to everybody legnoncino 35.02 1646 05:30:40 6.35 Km\h trek rumblefish
03/12/2015 Show to everybody lecco resinelli lecco 31.54 1122 04:03:17 7.78 Km\h reignx
28/11/2015 Show to everybody s. defendente 27.5 1264 03:59:01 6.9 Km\h trek rumblefish
10/10/2015 Show to everybody Ballabio Resegone 40.84 1663 05:33:22 7.35 Km\h fatty, fat
11/07/2015 Show to everybody madesimo 46.02 1718 06:05:35 7.55 Km\h trek rumblefish
09/05/2015 Show to everybody giumello 39.79 1646 05:10:21 7.69 Km\h trek rumblefish
15/08/2014 Show to everybody gta 23.68 1161 04:04:57 5.8 Km\h
10/05/2014 Show to everybody nuvolone 60.42 2228 06:42:19 9.01 Km\h fatty, fat
29/12/2013 Show to everybody S. Defendente 24.49 1130 03:37:09 6.77 Km\h trek rumblefish
27/12/2013 Show to everybody ps carla e bolli blu 30.89 1186 04:03:42 7.61 Km\h trek rumblefish
26/12/2013 Show to everybody su e giù dalla scioscia 5.88 274 01:41:20 3.48 Km\h fatty, fat
23/12/2013 Show to everybody cacciatori bagnato 15.28 803 02:09:20 7.09 Km\h fatty, fat
22/12/2013 Show to everybody spaccasassi+scioscia 22.02 847 03:00:43 7.31 Km\h reignx
21/12/2013 Show to everybody h 32.69 1080 03:57:10 8.27 Km\h fatty, fat
17/12/2013 Show to everybody barro, discesa galbiate e cologna 13.59 575 01:50:16 7.39 Km\h reignx
15/12/2013 Show to everybody bscioscia 14.46 566 01:50:04 7.88 Km\h fatty, fat
14/12/2013 Show to everybody bisbino free 29.99 1219 04:04:21 7.37 Km\h reignx
11/12/2013 Show to everybody cAcciatori 14.5 726 02:18:00 6.31 Km\h fatty, fat
07/12/2013 Show to everybody bisbino 40.15 1234 04:30:05 8.92 Km\h trek rumblefish
03/12/2013 Show to everybody 7°tornante 19.46 763 02:25:51 8.01 Km\h reignx
01/12/2013 Show to everybody la bassetta, discesa prati dell\'o 23.85 1556 04:28:03 5.34 Km\h trek rumblefish
29/11/2013 Show to everybody 7+ 17.64 774 02:43:28 6.48 Km\h reignx
26/11/2013 Show to everybody tavarasc 16.72 855 02:51:19 5.86 Km\h trek rumblefish
24/11/2013 Show to everybody pozzo 21.48 1032 03:00:27 7.14 Km\h reignx
23/11/2013 Show to everybody 7 16.8 772 02:24:24 6.98 Km\h reignx
17/11/2013 Show to everybody riella-fori francescani 38.26 1192 03:45:42 10.17 Km\h trek rumblefish
16/11/2013 Show to everybody boschi proserpio+scioscia variante si canzo 14.22 436 01:46:37 8 Km\h reignx
12/11/2013 Show to everybody braccobaldo 14.82 626 01:54:09 7.79 Km\h reignx
10/11/2013 Show to everybody terra biotta p. rancio.. 39.27 1146 04:03:17 9.69 Km\h trek rumblefish
01/11/2013 Show to everybody alpe piazza2 35.7 1929 04:35:31 7.78 Km\h reignx
27/10/2013 Show to everybody corni onno 7-5 31.3 1135 03:35:02 8.73 Km\h trek rumblefish
26/10/2013 Show to everybody cornizzolo classico 19.41 795 02:35:25 7.5 Km\h reignx
25/10/2013 Show to everybody b scioscia+ 18.53 607 02:26:45 7.58 Km\h reignx
14/10/2013 Show to everybody bscioscia 12.62 521 01:41:49 7.44 Km\h reignx
13/10/2013 Show to everybody patrizi e ps... 44.94 1223 04:57:59 9.05 Km\h reignx
11/10/2013 Show to everybody cacciatori in su e tagli in giù 6.76 397 02:08:10 3.16 Km\h trek rumblefish
09/10/2013 Show to everybody resinelli ballabio lecco 31.06 1180 03:50:43 8.08 Km\h trek rumblefish
06/10/2013 Show to everybody cornizzolo valravella + esplorazione 22.17 907 03:07:27 7.1 Km\h reignx
05/10/2013 Show to everybody scioscia discesa su canzo e variante gajum 7.09 294 01:38:35 4.31 Km\h trek rumblefish
04/10/2013 Show to everybody magreglio crezzo valbrona 32.38 663 02:50:44 11.38 Km\h trek rumblefish
01/10/2013 Show to everybody spaccasasso 17.62 596 02:16:58 7.72 Km\h reignx
29/09/2013 Show to everybody scioscia con bow 12.57 394 01:23:03 9.08 Km\h reignx
27/09/2013 Show to everybody scioscia+ spaccasassi 24.26 871 03:05:43 7.84 Km\h trek rumblefish
24/09/2013 Show to everybody s, genesio depandance 13.01 528 01:44:50 7.44 Km\h reignx
22/09/2013 Show to everybody la tagliata 31.47 1733 04:46:25 6.59 Km\h trek rumblefish
17/09/2013 Show to everybody puscio 123 15.07 857 02:20:16 6.45 Km\h reignx
14/09/2013 Show to everybody s. primo e bolli rossi 36.32 1353 04:01:39 9.02 Km\h trek rumblefish
12/09/2013 Show to everybody croce 7 25.55 877 03:53:56 6.55 Km\h reignx
09/09/2013 Show to everybody 2 manie 29.5 686 02:57:03 10 Km\h reignx
08/09/2013 Show to everybody ciappi manie 24.14 636 02:29:14 9.71 Km\h reignx
07/09/2013 Show to everybody base nato 39.68 1142 04:05:13 9.71 Km\h reignx
03/09/2013 Show to everybody corni in notturna 23.24 887 02:44:48 8.46 Km\h reignx
31/08/2013 Show to everybody generoso 62.19 1938 06:25:21 9.68 Km\h trek rumblefish
28/08/2013 Show to everybody alpe piazza morbegno 39.46 1885 05:39:11 6.98 Km\h trek rumblefish
25/08/2013 Show to everybody cornizzolo croce 7 17.23 845 02:29:34 6.91 Km\h reignx
24/08/2013 Show to everybody bollttone ps3 44.27 1238 04:14:55 10.42 Km\h trek rumblefish
22/08/2013 Show to everybody palanzone notturna 27.92 878 02:59:42 9.32 Km\h reignx
18/08/2013 Show to everybody palanzone 36.5 1136 03:46:34 9.67 Km\h trek rumblefish
17/08/2013 Show to everybody ban 4.58 174 01:09:59 3.93 Km\h trek rumblefish
16/08/2013 Show to everybody gattascosa 10.06 418 03:28:44 2.89 Km\h trek rumblefish
15/08/2013 Show to everybody monscera furguu monscera 39.72 2485 06:22:23 6.23 Km\h trek rumblefish
10/08/2013 Show to everybody LECCO-AZZONI-STOPPANI 49.5 2018 06:48:18 7.27 Km\h reignx
05/08/2013 Show to everybody prasanto+7 19.54 952 02:44:30 7.13 Km\h reignx
03/08/2013 Show to everybody surlej+piz nair 1parte 40.48 2321 06:20:42 6.38 Km\h trek rumblefish
03/08/2013 Show to everybody 2a parte, discesa dal piz nair 12.13 63 01:14:06 9.82 Km\h trek rumblefish
30/07/2013 Show to everybody crezzp 32.81 708 02:47:52 11.73 Km\h reignx
27/07/2013 Show to everybody bocchetta dei mughi 39.61 1620 05:52:34 6.74 Km\h trek rumblefish
25/07/2013 Show to everybody traversata bassa 27.65 905 03:08:24 8.81 Km\h reignx
20/07/2013 Show to everybody introbio-bobbio-grazzi-valtorta-bobbio-gandazzo 40.19 2374 07:06:34 5.65 Km\h trek rumblefish
20/07/2013 Show to everybody parte finale bobbio-grass- valtorta... 2.77 38 00:18:58 8.76 Km\h trek rumblefish
16/07/2013 Show to everybody la rossa 16.74 946 02:19:16 7.21 Km\h reignx
14/07/2013 Show to everybody lago culino e croce 44.41 2185 05:57:19 7.46 Km\h trek rumblefish
11/07/2013 Show to everybody vetriolo 5 valli 46.09 1931 05:10:06 8.92 Km\h trek rumblefish
06/07/2013 Show to everybody s. nicolò 17.6 684 02:00:10 8.79 Km\h trek rumblefish
05/07/2013 Show to everybody catinaccio 45.01 1355 04:29:03 10.04 Km\h trek rumblefish
03/07/2013 Show to everybody giumela 31.33 1324 03:39:01 8.58 Km\h trek rumblefish
01/07/2013 Show to everybody passo principe 28.86 1474 04:06:39 7.02 Km\h trek rumblefish
29/06/2013 Show to everybody corni forcella spaccasassi 31.93 1144 03:48:37 8.38 Km\h trek rumblefish
25/06/2013 Show to everybody 6 19.74 858 03:06:33 6.35 Km\h reignx
24/06/2013 Show to everybody piano rancio 36.08 874 03:13:26 11.19 Km\h trek rumblefish
23/06/2013 Show to everybody scioscia con bo 10.88 316 01:15:12 8.68 Km\h reignx
22/06/2013 Show to everybody dorsale ma ne manca un pezzo 49.59 1314 04:01:10 12.34 Km\h trek rumblefish
18/06/2013 Show to everybody ballabio resinelli 14.66 640 01:57:38 7.48 Km\h reignx
15/06/2013 Show to everybody la bassetta discesa dai prati dell\'o 31.6 1596 04:40:01 6.77 Km\h reignx
11/06/2013 Show to everybody s. tommaso + barro 22.05 818 02:34:45 8.55 Km\h trek rumblefish
09/06/2013 Show to everybody cornizzolo terz 19.55 786 02:22:11 8.25 Km\h reignx
08/06/2013 Show to everybody giumello completo 37.66 1496 04:41:14 8.04 Km\h trek rumblefish
04/06/2013 Show to everybody puscio 15.72 880 02:31:41 6.22 Km\h reignx
28/05/2013 Show to everybody cornizzolo croce 7 cimitero longone 19.56 965 02:48:42 6.96 Km\h reignx
22/05/2013 Show to everybody corni 22.94 890 02:33:15 8.98 Km\h trek rumblefish
18/05/2013 Show to everybody resinelli alta via 41.41 1402 04:45:10 8.71 Km\h reignx
11/05/2013 Show to everybody palanzone-lemna-brunate 58.26 1798 05:45:12 10.13 Km\h trek rumblefish
08/05/2013 Show to everybody braga-3 sassi-foro francescano 27.47 774 02:34:02 10.7 Km\h trek rumblefish
04/05/2013 Show to everybody legnoncino-alpe rossa-linea rossa 32.97 1709 05:14:43 6.28 Km\h reignx
01/05/2013 Show to everybody corni e bla bla 27.01 982 03:33:41 7.58 Km\h reignx
28/04/2013 Show to everybody pizzoccolo 1-17 45.77 1781 05:51:10 7.82 Km\h trek rumblefish
17/04/2013 Show to everybody cornizzolo-terz-gologico 16.22 755 02:14:10 7.25 Km\h reignx
14/04/2013 Show to everybody prasanto 20.3 923 02:47:12 7.28 Km\h reignx
13/04/2013 Show to everybody spessola ecc ecc 40.12 1409 04:38:04 8.66 Km\h trek rumblefish
10/04/2013 Show to everybody 9°tornante 22.51 901 02:46:13 8.13 Km\h trek rumblefish
06/04/2013 Show to everybody pozzo 14.69 756 02:16:08 6.47 Km\h reignx
02/04/2013 Show to everybody bscioscia 13.7 537 01:56:38 7.05 Km\h reignx
31/03/2013 Show to everybody acuto+carmo 71.17 1955 06:58:28 10.2 Km\h trek rumblefish
26/03/2013 Show to everybody barro1 10.69 498 01:31:08 7.04 Km\h reignx
25/03/2013 Show to everybody scioscia 1-2-3 22.19 879 02:37:24 8.46 Km\h trek rumblefish
23/03/2013 Show to everybody 6x2 34.3 1148 03:55:46 8.73 Km\h trek rumblefish
21/03/2013 Show to everybody cacciatorino 11.35 676 01:50:52 6.14 Km\h reignx
16/03/2013 Show to everybody s. genesio barro 44.51 1484 05:06:37 8.71 Km\h trek rumblefish
11/03/2013 Show to everybody 1+3+2+1= 16.76 771 02:05:30 8.01 Km\h reignx
10/03/2013 Show to everybody mompracem 46.95 1406 04:57:18 9.48 Km\h trek rumblefish
02/03/2013 Show to everybody vicerè 26.4 742 02:43:21 9.7 Km\h trek rumblefish
23/02/2013 Show to everybody corni con neve 29.89 1002 04:46:01 6.27 Km\h reignx
21/02/2013 Show to everybody spaccasassi+cimitero longone con neve 21.14 761 02:59:31 7.07 Km\h trek rumblefish
19/02/2013 Show to everybody 7 notturna 17.84 777 02:34:16 6.94 Km\h reignx
17/02/2013 Show to everybody cornizzolo 7 con neve 20.05 799 03:28:19 5.77 Km\h reignx
15/02/2013 Show to everybody forti con nonnocarb e le fou 29.67 1195 03:47:57 7.81 Km\h trek rumblefish
13/02/2013 Show to everybody rsinelli da casa 54.44 1562 05:01:44 10.83 Km\h trek rumblefish
11/02/2013 Show to everybody fantasy scioscia con neve 19.64 720 02:18:29 8.51 Km\h trek rumblefish
10/02/2013 Show to everybody cornizzolo boroncello 18.76 939 03:01:09 6.21 Km\h reignx
09/02/2013 Show to everybody terz\'alpe valravella valmadrera 25.01 931 03:09:53 7.9 Km\h trek rumblefish
07/02/2013 Show to everybody resinelli 7° tornante 21.67 813 02:42:37 7.99 Km\h trek rumblefish
03/02/2013 Show to everybody puscino con il 3 28.37 1091 03:23:18 8.37 Km\h trek rumblefish
01/02/2013 Show to everybody sasso di S. Defendente 25.87 1374 04:02:15 6.41 Km\h reignx
31/01/2013 Show to everybody scioscia-spaccasassi-scioscia 27.2 1303 03:30:43 7.74 Km\h trek rumblefish
29/01/2013 Show to everybody cacciatori cornizzolo 13.42 722 02:02:52 6.55 Km\h reignx
26/01/2013 Show to everybody bisbino confinale 30.28 1261 04:25:18 6.85 Km\h trek rumblefish
25/01/2013 Show to everybody resinelli lecco 37.22 1328 04:44:31 7.85 Km\h trek rumblefish
23/01/2013 Show to everybody la madonnina di crezzo 28.12 728 02:26:17 11.53 Km\h trek rumblefish
22/01/2013 Show to everybody barro, discesa cappella alpini 10.02 440 01:14:43 8.05 Km\h reignx
19/01/2013 Show to everybody brughiera e spina verde 46.9 1454 04:42:59 9.94 Km\h trek rumblefish
17/01/2013 Show to everybody girovagando 19.43 881 02:33:06 7.61 Km\h trek rumblefish
16/01/2013 Show to everybody giro di Mer.. per la neve 20.87 644 02:15:36 9.23 Km\h trek rumblefish
14/01/2013 Show to everybody 7 17.35 925 02:32:11 6.84 Km\h reignx
12/01/2013 Show to everybody palanzone-caglio asso scioscia 34.41 1367 04:08:28 8.31 Km\h trek rumblefish
10/01/2013 Show to everybody piano rancio 38.39 1048 03:25:28 11.21 Km\h trek rumblefish
08/01/2013 Show to everybody barro bolli gialli 15.07 639 02:03:27 7.32 Km\h reignx
06/01/2013 Show to everybody cech alpe piazza 26.14 1127 03:28:34 7.52 Km\h reignx
05/01/2013 Show to everybody cornizzolo-valravella ecc ecc 22.75 991 03:04:50 7.38 Km\h reignx
03/01/2013 Show to everybody spaccasassk 21.34 1025 02:21:12 9.07 Km\h reignx
29/12/2012 Show to everybody forti di genova 39.81 1200 05:20:18 7.46 Km\h trek rumblefish
28/12/2012 Show to everybody s. genesio da oggiono 28.08 873 02:42:28 10.37 Km\h trek rumblefish
27/12/2012 Show to everybody 529 con jag 4.25 386 00:44:38 5.72 Km\h trek rumblefish
23/12/2012 Show to everybody fiaccolata cornizzolo 21.68 975 03:09:57 6.85 Km\h reignx
22/12/2012 Show to everybody mara s. salvatore 29.8 1258 03:04:05 9.71 Km\h trek rumblefish
21/12/2012 Show to everybody barro da casa 30.3 889 03:04:56 9.83 Km\h trek rumblefish
17/12/2012 Show to everybody cornizzolo cacciatori variato 15.94 920 02:34:22 6.2 Km\h
16/12/2012 Show to everybody solzago-baita carla-civiglio 20.55 808 02:57:13 6.96 Km\h
15/12/2012 Show to everybody Allenamento 15-12-12 alle 07:14 6.49 376 01:46:00 3.68 Km\h reignx
13/12/2012 Show to everybody puscio integrale 14.48 920 02:28:45 5.84 Km\h reignx
11/12/2012 Show to everybody barro 8.02 501 00:35:45 13.47 Km\h reignx
09/12/2012 Show to everybody cech 25.98 1129 03:05:02 8.42 Km\h
08/12/2012 Show to everybody cornizzolo geologico 20.48 782 02:54:55 7.03 Km\h reignx
06/12/2012 Show to everybody pogno 40.52 1452 02:59:03 13.58 Km\h reignx
04/12/2012 Show to everybody scioscia+mezzo caccia 15.12 669 02:15:20 6.7 Km\h
02/12/2012 Show to everybody lecco-resinelli-ballabio-lecco 27.93 1142 03:12:38 8.7 Km\h
01/12/2012 Show to everybody bocc di s. miro 22.37 918 02:58:51 7.5 Km\h reignx
24/11/2012 Show to everybody due mani da lecco 42.56 1809 05:35:15 7.62 Km\h
20/11/2012 Show to everybody corni 22.55 971 02:42:10 8.34 Km\h reignx
17/11/2012 Show to everybody magreglio-p.rancio.s.primo- colma 39.53 1221 03:34:44 11.04 Km\h
13/11/2012 Show to everybody solzag.ps1-ps4 20.68 756 02:23:15 8.66 Km\h reignx
11/11/2012 Show to everybody cornizzolo-tagli 15.96 885 02:08:54 7.43 Km\h
10/11/2012 Show to everybody proserpioi+scioscia 18.57 719 02:03:47 9 Km\h
06/11/2012 Show to everybody spaccasassi easy 21.77 865 02:48:31 7.75 Km\h reignx
04/11/2012 Show to everybody cornizzolo 7+ 16.97 790 02:13:07 7.65 Km\h reignx
02/11/2012 Show to everybody sestri levanto 37.98 1107 03:35:39 10.57 Km\h
30/10/2012 Show to everybody scioscia 2 discese 14.72 583 01:56:25 7.59 Km\h
27/10/2012 Show to everybody Palanzone-Riella, discesa H 31.23 1169 03:12:39 9.73 Km\h
23/10/2012 Show to everybody mezzo puscio 15.28 887 02:24:19 6.35 Km\h
21/10/2012 Show to everybody bietti-era bassa 37.82 1903 05:16:11 7.18 Km\h reignx
19/10/2012 Show to everybody ginestre. 30.56 765 02:56:01 10.42 Km\h
16/10/2012 Show to everybody barro 12.11 525 01:49:07 6.66 Km\h reignx
14/10/2012 Show to everybody cornizzolo-bocc. s. miro 24.58 1208 03:16:38 7.5 Km\h reignx
13/10/2012 Show to everybody corni + spaccasassi 22.4 976 02:54:59 7.68 Km\h reignx
09/10/2012 Show to everybody Allenamento 09-10-12 alle 17:41 13.64 735 01:52:03 7.3 Km\h
06/10/2012 Show to everybody terrabiotta 42.03 2138 04:30:04 9.34 Km\h
04/10/2012 Show to everybody enco-ginestre-sormano- 32.05 837 02:46:04 11.58 Km\h
02/10/2012 Show to everybody baRRO 15.05 620 01:58:35 7.61 Km\h reignx
30/09/2012 Show to everybody resinelli 12 34.79 1433 03:50:45 9.05 Km\h reignx
28/09/2012 Show to everybody cornizzolo-terz-geologico 22.3 970 03:05:19 7.22 Km\h reignx
22/09/2012 Show to everybody monzesi 37.3 1563 05:32:19 6.73 Km\h reignx
19/09/2012 Show to everybody xc 28.88 1300 02:52:00 10.07 Km\h
18/09/2012 Show to everybody mara-caslino 18.36 886 02:32:09 7.24 Km\h reignx
16/09/2012 Show to everybody bisbino.gordona e discesa lillo 46.05 1682 04:54:46 9.37 Km\h
14/09/2012 Show to everybody cornizzolo-prasanto-6 19.05 1193 02:30:45 7.58 Km\h reignx
10/09/2012 Show to everybody *maine + capra da pietra 39.61 931 03:24:10 11.64 Km\h
08/09/2012 Show to everybody monte carvo-loano-pietra 34.05 1400 04:19:09 7.88 Km\h
06/09/2012 Show to everybody piano rancio-crezzo 06-09-12 34.69 986 02:56:08 11.82 Km\h
04/09/2012 Show to everybody monte barro 6.82 400 00:51:22 7.97 Km\h reignx
02/09/2012 Show to everybody cornizzolo-terz-coletta-visino-sciocia 27.34 1157 03:23:04 8.08 Km\h reignx
28/08/2012 Show to everybody cornizzolo-terz-1alpe variante 21.4 881 02:39:30 8.05 Km\h reignx
25/08/2012 Show to everybody val gerola con maurizio 39.65 1862 05:27:52 7.26 Km\h
23/08/2012 Show to everybody palanzone-caglio-asso 36.99 1192 03:46:57 9.78 Km\h
18/08/2012 Show to everybody legnone 42.81 2452 06:45:34 6.33 Km\h reignx
18/08/2012 Show to everybody discesa alpe legnone su delebio 20.96 60 01:29:59 13.98 Km\h reignx
15/08/2012 Show to everybody dorsale-enco 42.9 1345 04:15:54 10.06 Km\h
12/08/2012 Show to everybody PAIONA-DOSSO VARIANTI 4.87 230 01:26:06 3.39 Km\h
11/08/2012 Show to everybody Monscera-furggu-monscera 39.59 2392 06:07:44 6.46 Km\h
08/08/2012 Show to everybody corni 08-08 20.21 883 02:38:23 7.66 Km\h
05/08/2012 Show to everybody cornizzolo-6 18.68 882 02:27:57 7.58 Km\h reignx
04/08/2012 Show to everybody porta parlasco 32.73 1484 04:48:03 6.82 Km\h reignx
31/07/2012 Show to everybody ginestre 24.8 732 02:19:30 10.67 Km\h
28/07/2012 Show to everybody ARERA 41.77 1771 05:45:40 7.25 Km\h reignx
24/07/2012 Show to everybody corni valravella geologico 23.17 996 02:50:36 8.15 Km\h
21/07/2012 Show to everybody azzoni 36.29 1549 04:38:08 7.83 Km\h reignx
17/07/2012 Show to everybody cornizzolo pozzo 16.68 839 02:02:23 8.18 Km\h reignx
14/07/2012 Show to everybody roccoli lorla 37.07 1437 04:04:36 9.09 Km\h
10/07/2012 Show to everybody malga stelvio. discesa 11 30.32 1358 03:59:11 7.61 Km\h reignx
08/07/2012 Show to everybody gapam, o qualcosa di simile... 21.06 1099 03:16:09 6.44 Km\h reignx
07/07/2012 Show to everybody rifugio forcola-malga stelvio 34.58 1543 04:20:18 7.97 Km\h reignx
03/07/2012 Show to everybody malga glorenza con nonnocarb 39.67 1640 04:40:28 8.49 Km\h reignx
01/07/2012 Show to everybody prato-passo stelvio e discesa dal tibet 46.8 1910 05:08:09 9.11 Km\h reignx
29/06/2012 Show to everybody corni-4-terz\'alpe 24.19 1032 02:53:11 8.38 Km\h reignx
26/06/2012 Show to everybody valravella-spaccasassi 17.29 758 02:12:40 7.82 Km\h reignx
23/06/2012 Show to everybody artavaggio-gandazzo 37.6 1490 04:40:31 8.04 Km\h reignx
19/06/2012 Show to everybody la madonnina di barni 23.2 746 02:05:35 11.08 Km\h
18/06/2012 Show to everybody la braga 24.98 1046 02:22:49 10.49 Km\h reignx
16/06/2012 Show to everybody traversata bassa 28.52 1256 03:46:09 7.57 Km\h
13/06/2012 Show to everybody cornizzolo 7 14.54 780 02:16:23 6.4 Km\h reignx
11/06/2012 Show to everybody resinelli+melma 24.67 1444 03:51:20 6.4 Km\h reignx
09/06/2012 Show to everybody colma-riella-foro francescano 35.61 1273 04:20:25 8.2 Km\h reignx
05/06/2012 Show to everybody como-carla-blevio 21.62 944 02:34:37 8.39 Km\h
02/06/2012 Show to everybody generoso 44.95 1675 05:44:34 7.83 Km\h reignx
31/05/2012 Show to everybody magreglio crezzo 31.3 702 02:27:57 12.69 Km\h
29/05/2012 Show to everybody cornizzolo senterun 20.51 950 03:16:41 6.26 Km\h reignx
12/05/2012 Show to everybody colm PUscio 32.71 1295 03:34:00 9.17 Km\h reignx
30/04/2012 Show to everybody carone 42.85 1731 05:13:45 8.19 Km\h reignx
12/04/2012 Show to everybody cornizzolo 15.04 774 01:55:49 7.79 Km\h
09/04/2012 Show to everybody pian delle bosse 34.26 1228 03:19:37 10.3 Km\h reignx
08/04/2012 Show to everybody monte barro bolli gialli 16.53 704 02:41:32 6.14 Km\h reignx
24/03/2012 Show to everybody ballabio-morterone-giuff-boazzo2 35.4 1167 03:53:46 9.09 Km\h reignx
07/03/2012 Show to everybody camaggiore 26.11 1015 02:48:51 9.28 Km\h
19/06/2010 Show to everybody discesa camag-vendroniogiore 34.57 1415 04:00:53 8.61 Km\h reignx
Training units 0
Kilometers 0 Km
Vertical gain 0 mt
Hours of riding 00:00:00
Average speed 0 Km/h
average HR 119
Points 411
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reignx 364:05:47 2772.56 Km
trek rumblefish 316:45:13 2608.25 Km
fatty, fat 24:11:35 184.07 Km

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